Our First Newsletter
This is our newest way to spread store news, share book recommendations, and announce releases directly with you! We want to let you know about the happenings of our store, as well as new things that may interest you!
This first volume of the Out West Newsletter is all about highlighting the importance of reading with children! We also want to give our tips for shopping with Out West Books this holiday season, as well as show off our new website!
Note from the owner:
“On my way home this afternoon, I noticed a parent reading to their children on the porch of their Victorian home. A wonderful feeling came over me. I began to think that perhaps children may come away with warm memories of these uncertain times.... because someone has taken the time to read a book with them. The little things we do could end up having profound effects in the long run.
Are your children bored? Read to them.
Have some extra time? Read to a child
No extra time? Make the time to read to a child.
Think they're too old to be read to? Wrong. Read to them.
A child will never remember their best day of television watching or computer gaming. They WILL remember their favorite book and the feelings it evoked. Be part of that. You'll never be sorry you read to a child. It's one of the greatest gifts you can give them.”
October is the new December (again)!
We've been beginning to have supply chain issues here at Out West Books, and we'd like to let you know what’s afoot. Almost every aspect of the supply chain is disrupted and here's why:
As everyone knows, there has been a lumber shortage for the last year, so it figures that there might also be a paper shortage as a result. Demand for wood is at an all time high, which drives up costs and causes delays.
There are very few printing presses left in the United States. Most mainstream books are printed in China. The delays in book production are a result of worker shortages at printers AND paper shortages.
Shipping containers are in short supply and very costly. This means more delays and huge spikes in costs.
Warehouses are experiencing worker shortages due to COVID, which means there are fewer people to pack and ship orders. If our store doesn't have a book in stock, or we've sold out, it could take several weeks for us to get more.
We expect delays to only get worse as we enter the holiday season. PLEASE ORDER NOW for that special book you want to give for the holidays. We're very concerned we won't be able to get that cozy mystery for your Grandma this Christmas and we really want to make everyone's shelves happy for the holidays!
We're thanking you in advance for understanding that we are trying our absolute best to be sure everyone has a wonderful holiday season... starting right now!